Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Clinical Family Therapist
Office: St Barnabas Church Broadway, 57-61 Mountain Street, Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2148
Enter via administration foyer.
Hours – Thursdays 9:15am – 4:45pm
Fees – $220 for an hour consultation (offers a Medicare rebate of $82.30 per session with a Mental Health Care Plan) and concession rates available (to be discussed with Lauren directly)
Offers both in-person and Telehealth sessions
Lauren Errington is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Clinical Family Therapist (Master of Couple & Family Therapy, UNSW) who holds clinical membership with the AASW and AAFT. She has extensive experience working in tertiary level mental health services and private practice contexts in both Australia and Scotland. Lauren enjoys thinking with others about relationships, and as part of this currently teaches a subject on Families and Relationships at Charles Sturt University and is on faculty (Core Programs Coordinator) at the Family Systems Institute.
Lauren is always interested in the application of theory to practice in her work which has led to her publishing articles with the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy and co-editing a book with Jenny Brown entitled Bowen Family Systems Theory in Christian Ministry. Lauren has a particular interest in Bowen Family Systems Theory and since first encountering Bowen theory through her family therapy work, has found it a compelling description of the challenges we all face in life’s relationships, with the ideas resonating across therapeutic, workplace and ministry contexts.
Medicare Provider and some private health funds.
Accredited to use Parent Hope Project manualised parent programs developed by Dr Jenny Brown.